Benedict Cumberbatch and Sherlock Holmes Funko Pop!

Mr. Holmes and his complete works and stories My first literary sleuth, Sherlock Holmes , has been brought to life countless of times through the decades. In the 21st century, there have been 3 popular portrayals of the 19th-century detective. And each depiction has its own pros and cons. I've seen all three depictions of Holmes by these actors and each one of them bring a different perspective on the sleuth. While reading these stories created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, I couldn't imagine how popular he would become once again in the new millenium. Sherlock is timeless. Robert Downey Jr. played him in the movies while American television reincarnated him as a New York inhabitant with Jonny Lee Miller and a female Watson to boot, played by Lucy Lui. Downey showed Holmes as an action figure who dresses like a hobo. Miller's Holmes is more neurotic and rich. But the most enjoyable and quintessential British portrayal would be BBC's Benedict Cumberbatch . That dist...