
Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2016

And the Oscar goes to Leonardo DiCaprio

"Making The Revenant was about man's connection to the natural world. We felt in 2015 it was the hottest year on the planet. Climate change is real, it's happening right now, it's the most urgent threat affecting our entire species, we need to work right now and stop procrastinating ." And the Oscar goes to...Leonardo DiCaprio! The long wait is over for Leonardo DiCaprio. He has won the Academy Award for Best Actor for his role as Hugh Glass in The Revenant.  It has been a complete sweep for Leo. From the Golden Globe Awards to SAG to Critic's Choice and finally, the Oscar. Leo has been consistent in all of his acceptance speeches. He talks about the Environment, Climate Change, the Indigenous people... All of which are his advocacies.  Watch Leonardo DiCaprio's Oscar speech and be inspired.

Leonardo DiCaprio and his 5 Academy Award Acting Nominations

Will 2016 be the year for Leonardo DiCaprio to finally snag his first Oscar gold?  Will the Academy and its members finally recognize the acting prowess of Leo the Great? For his more than 20 years in the Film Industry, Leo deserved to have more than 5 Oscar nominations. He has brought to the screen his charisma and talent, over and over again. Let's take a look at the five Academy Award Acting Nominations that he earned over the years. Leo first came to the notice of the Academy when he starred in the 1993 movie, What's Eating Gilbert Grape, as developmentally-challenged Arnie Grape. He was nominated for the Best Supporting Actor Award. He lost to The Fugitive's Tommy Lee Jones. In his second movie collaboration with Martin Scorsese, Leo portrayed eccentric billionaire, Howard Hughes in the movie The Aviator . He was able to integrate and express Hughes' varying emotional turmoil and psychological fears and made us believe that he was Howard Hughes. This role was his f

Oscars 2016 Acting Nominations: Who will bring home the Gold?

88th Academy Awards Acting Nominees If you were nominated in one of the Acting categories  in the Academy Awards, what kind of emotions would you have? Will you be happy, excited, stressed-out, nervous, or scared? With the 88th Academy Awards just a few days away, I can only imagine how the Acting nominees are feeling right now. I wouldn't have been able to sleep or eat or even breath because of the anticipation.  There is a total of 20 nominees for the following categories, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor and Best Supporting Actress. Eight of those actors are first-time nominees. Sunday's event will be a first for Bryan Cranston, Charlotte Rampling, Brie Larson, Alicia Vikander, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Rachel McAdams, Mark Rylance, and Tom Hardy. Between all of the nominees, there has been a total of 51 nominations. Leonardo diCaprio has earned 5 Acting nominations and 1 nomination as a Producer. Cate Blanchett and Kate Winslet has 7 Acting nominations each.

Alfred Hitchcock never won a Best Director Oscar

Alfred Hitchcock in 1955 (photo courtesy of Wikipedia) Alfred Hitchcock, the master storyteller, was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Director 5 times but never took home the little gold man. A prolific film-maker, he made over 50 films starring the best and brightest actors of their time including Cary Grant, Grace Kelly, James Stewart, Kim Novak, Doris Day, Ray Milland, Raymond Burr, Gregory Peck, Ingrid Bergman, Laurence Olivier, Joan Fontaine, just to name a few. One of his famous trademarks was to make cameos in his movies. It became so popular with movie viewers that he made sure that his appearances happened in the few minutes of the film to avoid further distractions.  Hitchcock and his famous profile What I love about Hitchcock is that he was able to translate storylines from novels and make it his own. From Psycho to Strangers on the train to Rebecca ---- his favorite source of movie materials came from books. Hitchcock was nominated for the following films, Rebecca

88th Oscars Ceremony 2016 Best Picture Nominees

12 days to go before the 88th Academy Awards Ceremony and how many of the Best Picture Nominees have you seen? Pick from the list and get ready to cheer for your favorite! Take the survey and find out who wins the Readers' Choice on February 27. We'll be posting the results. Create your own user feedback survey

Countdown to the Oscars 2016 Ceremony with Chris Rock

WE ALL DREAM IN GOLD Are you excited to find out who will take home this year Academy Awards? Are you rooting for Leonardo DiCaprio to finally win his first Oscar statuette? Will Jennifer Lawrence win her 2nd Best Actress award or will it go to Brie Larson? Only 12 more days to go... Join me in counting down to the 88th Academy Awards Ceremony which will be telecast live on February 28th, 7E|4P, over on ABC. Movie fans all over the world will also get the chance to watch via live satellite broadcast or thru streaming services. The Academy Awards will honor the best performances and films of 2015.  This year's master of ceremonies will be the comedian, Chris Rock. This is the second time that Rock will be hosting the Oscars. In 2005, he was the emcee for the 77th Academy Awards. Chris Rock's commercial on New Year's Eve With the controversy of #OscarsSoWhite, here's a promo that Chris Rock did.

Edward Kenway Funko Pop! Exclusive Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag

"You humbled me once, and I took that hard lesson, and I bettered myself. Die knowing that for all of our conflict, you helped make a soldier out of a scoundrel." - Edward Kenway One of the best Assassin's Creed characters in the series, Edward Kenway, is the lead protagonist in AC IV also known as Black Flag. Edward is both a pirate and privateer who accidentally became an Assassin when he got stranded on a Caribbean island with Assassin traitor, Duncan Walpole. He impersonated Walpole in order to infiltrate the Templars and find out what their plans are. But changed his allegiance when he met the other Assassins.  Edward in his Assassin's Creed robe with a flintlock pistol and pirate sword. Gameplay setting spans a decade and takes place in the Caribbean. Edward is the father of Haytham Kenway, Master Templar of the Americas during the events of the American Revolution. He is also the grandfather of Connor Kenway who appeared in Assassin's Creed III.  With his t

Samwell Tarly Funko Pop! Exclusive Game of Thrones Edition

"...If someone had asked me my name, right there, I wouldn't have known. I wasn't Samwell Tarly anymore. I wasn't the steward of the Night's Watch, or son of Randyll Tarly, or any of that, I was nothing at all. When you're nothing at all, there's no more reason to be afraid." - Samuel Tarly The ever-loyal and trusted friend of Jon Snow, Samwell Tarly, was  the disgraced son of one of the prominent families in the North. Banished to Castle Black to become one of the Night's Watch. Jon and Sam became fast friends when Jon took Sam under his wing. He proved to be a valuable steward to the aging Maester Aemmon Targaryen. Sam saved Wilding Gilly and her son, Little Sam. He took care of them in the Citadel. Thus, creating a family of his own. Sam Tarly and Jon Snow At the start of the story, Sam is considered the butt of jokes in Castle Black. He was bookish, considered a coward, and with a rotund physical appearance, he was always being bullied by the

Lang Leav's Valentine's Poem for AlDub (Maine Mendoza and Alden Richards)

Poet and Author Lang Leav granted Filipino TV personality, Maine Mendoza's Valentine's wish. She wrote a poem entitled, 'Stars in Love' , for the Filipino celebrity couple known as AlDub which Mendoza is part of. There's also a sketch of Maine accompanying the poem. Leav is the author of Love & Misadventure, Lullabies, Memories and Sad Girls. She visited the Philippines during a Book-signing tour in December 2015. Filipino bookworms and fans of the AlDub couple (Maine Mendoza and Alden Richards) are filling the various Social Media platforms of their excitement about the event. This is what Lang Leave stated in her Facebook post: "Hello to my friends in the Philippines. Maine Mendoza asked me if I could write a poem for AlDub so I did. ❤️ Happy Valentine’s Day! xo Lang" Stars in Love We were two old souls    since time began---    before light was measured    in years. We are stars that fell    from glittering skies,    to find each other here.